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Our Father

Our Father in Heaven, pure is Your name.
Yours is the kingdom, the power and fame.
Your will be done on the earth here below
Your kingdom come as in heaven Your throne.

Give us our bread, our food today
Forgive us our debts as we do the same.
Lead us away from temptation’s paths
Keep us we pray from the Evil One’s grasp.

For Yours is the kingdom that never will end
Yours is the glory forever amen!

Our Father in Heaven, pure is Your name.
Yours is the kingdom, the power and fame.
Your will be done on the earth here below
Your kingdom come as in heaven Your throne.

Give us our bread, our food today
Forgive us our debts as we do the same.
Lead us away from temptation’s paths
Keep us we pray from the Evil One’s grasp

For Yours is the kingdom that never will end
Yours is the glory forever amen!
Yours is the kingdom that never will end
Yours is the glory forever amen!